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Shorebird Report: Black Skimmer Hatchlings!

Our Lee County Anchor Shorebird Steward, Stephanie Wagley, reports from this past weekend's shorebird watch:

This past weekend was very exciting because we are starting to see black skimmer and snowy plover chicks! The black skimmer chicks started to hatch on Thursday and are very cute! Three snowy plover chicks were also seen and likely hatched over the weekend. As for the least terns, some of the chicks still have their down feathers and many of them have fledged.

Other than chicks, we have been seeing three or four American Oystercatchers every day we have been out on Condo Beach. Many dolphins, manatees, and even a loggerhead sea turtle and a green iguana were seen!

As you can tell, there is a lot of activity going on. With more vacationers, it is very important that we educate them to ensure the safety of the birds, especially because they are at a vulnerable stage right now!

If you are interested in participating as a Shorebird Steward, it's very easy. You don't have to have any prior experience--just curiosity and love for birds. All stewards receive training in beach stewardship and in counting birds. Tasks and schedules are flexible, whether you can work only one weekend or every weekend.

Contact Stephanie Wagley at for more information. You are invited too

sign up for a shift at this link here


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