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Audubon of Southwest Florida invites you to attend the 2nd Annual SWFL RESET Center Fall Seed and Plant Festival & Exchange to increase awareness of the need for community gardens and celebrate the resourcefulness of the area’s citizen growers. ASWF chapter president Gerri Reaves will be a featured speaker.


Held on the sprawling campus of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers (UUCFM) at 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers 33912, on Saturday, December 9th, 2023, the festival will last from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Event speakers include other master gardeners and experts from the diverse but connected fields of permaculture, regen agriculture and conservation and will share presentations for all ages. The morning lineup includes permaculture expert Alex Nikesh on rapid composting techniques,  Tim Watkins of Eco-Design presenting edible landscape design techniques, and Green Actioneers’ CEO Dave Finnigan on how kids can help their families “go green”.

Tony Mauriello from the Florida Native Plant Society (Coccoloba Chapter) kicks off the afternoon with eco-friendly landscaping ideas using native plants, followed by Gerri Reaves,  President of Audubon of SWFL, on preventing bird-window collisions, and Lauren Daniels-Judge, from the ECHO Global Farm will teach us all how to become more prolific growers with “Plant Propagation 101”.

Tickets are free to the public and available on Eventbrite; guests who make a $5 donation at the door will be entered into a raffle/drawings for multiple gardening and gift items throughout the day. 

SWFL RESET Center is a consensus-building organization that inspires collaborative actions to “reset” human impacts on global warming and ecological systems through transformative education.


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