It is a very exciting time right now for the birds! We have had minimal human activity on the beach, and the birds are loving it! We also have around 300 Least Terns and . . . drum roll please . . . Least Tern CHICKS as of yesterday! We've been seeing the same two snowy plover families for a couple of weeks now, the babies are growing up quickly and wandering around all on their own. They have even gotten brave enough to come and check out the stewarding tent. We have around 780 Black Skimmers and a few Wilson's chicks as well!
Because least terns tend to hatch around Memorial Day, it is so important that we are out there in these very early stages of their life to protect them, (and the rest of the birds!) and educate beachgoers about their presence.
This Memorial Day weekend, we will be VERY BUSY and need as many volunteers as we can get! Please let me know asap if you are available this weekend so we can be prepared for the crowds!
The sign up sheet is linked here to get out and save some birds!!
Thank you ALL for showing up for these birds, and I hope to see you out there this weekend!
Madison Krueger
Audubon Florida
Lee County Anchor Steward